Here are essential stages of the dark night of the soul that I have discovered within my own experience:

  • Triggering Event

A significant, supernatural intervention occurs characterized by infusions of love and light, or an event of unexpected suffering.

  • Descent

A sudden descent into the dark night of the soul takes place. It is a very unexpected shift from regular consciousness required for participating in life into a state of temporary disconnection and isolation.

  • Revealing of Ego Fragmentation

As our normal state of consciousness dissipates, and we temporarily lose access to it, what comes to the forefront are our fragmented parts, along with their pain. They become more visible and detectable by our body and psyche.

  • Purging

After a time of connecting to the unhealed parts, a period of intense purging begins.

  • Contemplation

Contemplation comes in many moments, however whenever we release something, we become extremely and unusually aware of how a particular pain was appearing and interfering with our happiness. In that instance we get a glimpse into our new future. Also, we see with clarity our old unconscious patterns and feel the relief that comes with the understanding that they will no longer be a part of our new healed version.

  • Void

After experiencing the hardship of feeling fragmented, connecting to the suffering parts, having purged them, and become aware of them fully, we enter the void. We aren’t fully connected to reality by our sensory faculties yet, this is where we prepare to receive a new identity in the form of downloads, also slowly we regain energy necessary for regular activities.

  • Downloads

We are being reintegrated into reality and at the same time receiving new downloads which are going to serve us in the following stage; we acquire an undiscovered yet sense of resilience and power. Sometime during this stage we might not sleep a lot. Our brains are adopting to the newly acquired vibrations, for that reason we might we up at night.

  • Increased Awareness

A newly expanded awareness and courage is being established to consciously face and heal previously unnoticed hardships and traumas, or if it is the last dark night of the soul, we attain a state of enlightenment.


Naturally, we have a tendency to be bothered and be absorbed by negativity. This natural inclination has its purpose. It is a doorway to enlightenment. It requires a lot more energy and will power to overcome an inclination to ruminate in suffering or projecting/discharging it onto someone else. This is actually the gift of the dark night, a new sense of awareness and power to confront and conquer pain instead of letting it spread within or without. Being able to go within is an admirable skill, the ability to be able to notice uncomfortable illusions, hold them within, examine, and transmute them. This conscious effort breaks an inherent vicious cycle of continual misery. In reality, feeling pain is an opportunity to see what energies dominate and restrict us from achieving a higher form of happiness and a sense of fulfillment. For this reason, those who experience the dark night are privileged. However, it is hard to hold this understanding once a person is going through it.