The Requirements of Dark Night of the Soul

I never thought I would ever say that there are different requirements within the processes of the dark night of the soul. In the beginning it was all darkness to me – obscured and painful.

At first, my senses could not distinguish anything else except for those two elements persistently troubling my “soul”.

Being under pressure of prolonged pain and darkness, the initial guidance was to surrender (which isn’t easy) to the unbearable feeling in order to survive it. Denying and putting up resistance was eliciting more pain.

Since this wasn’t my first dark night, from other instances I could already tell when my inner light was being switched off and with that my perspective of the outside world drastically changed for the worse, to simply put it. This time I was disconnected from a sufficient amount of energy required to be productive in any way, and my being was solely focused on the uncomfortable suffering, impossible to disregard by any means. Because of that I was able to observe the processes of the dark night, perhaps unrecognized by me before due to overall shock of what was happening to me back then.

Here are some requirements of the dark night of the soul that will help you ease up the process of awakening.

There were times when my mind was trying to dismiss my discomfort which I quickly came to understand that this maneuver of my ego was placing me in disadvantage, prolonging the already exhausting and confusing undertaking. After a few attempts of trying to disregard what was happening to me, it became obvious that this was the time to participate with the energies of the dark night which my soul was highlighting for me. For that reason, the requirement is to listen to how your mind is trying to intervene to prevent you from feeling. Be aware of the resistance of the mind which will rise up in order to defend its hurtful familiar identity.

Our unresolved traumas are severely weighing on us deep within our unconsciousness and this was an opportunity to sit down with them and face them fully. This isn’t the easiest task; however, it has to be done. Here the requirement is to be cognizant of the arising pain and be with it as much as you are capable of. Every minute counts and expands your awareness, despite the fact that your mind is trying to convince you otherwise.

Also, sitting consciously with our pain is extremely challenging every single time, no matter how many times we have done it. And it isn’t just one pain that has to be confronted, but many kinds of patterns of pain have to be completely seen and realized. Therefore, another requirement is to be aware that you will have to face more than one pattern of hurt, for that reason the requirement is to be okay with repetition. There was a period of time when the releasing was constant, and I couldn’t see the results of my transformation for a long while so don’t let that discourage you. Trust the process and its timing.

Another requirement of the dark night is to stay open to the pain that is beginning to resurface. Sometimes when we feel uneasy or detect some heaviness in our chakras, we tend to run away from feeling it, and when that happens we grab some substance to seek immediate relief. Hence, before satisfying the urge, be with the pain first at least for a minute or two, and then do whatever it is that you help yourself with.

All of the mentioned requirements won’t be easy to master right away. You will most probably fail at first attempts, but as that transpires, be as kind and gentle to yourself as you can be in that moment. Remind yourself that it is a new practice for you. A new style of life is coming your way and no matter how painful it seems, getting through that pain, will be well worth it.

Building a New Me

Getting back to writing has not been the easiest. I was dreaming about this moment for many years… the moment when the intense releasing would end and everything I have lived through spiritually made sense and I would be given an okay to resume activities that gave me joy once before.

During the dark nights of the soul, when your entire inner existence is spinning inside you, and you are not sure who you are exactly, when you lose touch with yourself and your purpose seems so remote, that is not exactly the ideal moment to begin new endeavors. Because, as you are going through the inner torment, and the strong spiritual winds whirl around, just like in the case of a natural disaster, let’s take a tornado for example, as you stay hidden in shelter, you wonder what you are going to encounter remaining once the occurring calamity ends. The very same applies to a spiritual upgrade. So much has to be taken away from your old identity and be in some sense destroyed so the new you could emerge. Without a doubt it is an emotional shocker. Quite quickly you have to part with what was gone, assimilate the loss and acknowledge whatever you are left with in order to start building yourself again.

Before my process was over, when I would sit down to write, I would see many old strong nagging patterns showing up inside of myself and whispering that it was a futile attempt, that my voice was not worth anything, how could I ever think that expressing myself might have taken me anywhere, it had been a long time since I wrote anything so for that reason too, every word was nonsensical, and most probably there were many grammatical mistakes, that I was too scatterbrained and perhaps dumb to spot them. Let’s see what else? As I was naming every single whisper that was trying to stop me from what I vaguely recalled as my passion, these ridiculous convictions I was calling out, that had kept me enslaved for so long, were almost immediately losing their hold on me as I typed. These days I call them “whispers”, however, they used to be my firm beliefs. As of today, because of my awakening process they have lost its strength and eventually its grip on me.

And that is another proof and a valid observation that spiritual processes do pay off, and they do help you manage and dissolve the darkness that keeps us at bay always with dangerous clouds above us, and never out sailing on deep waters with the sun out.

Today I am realizing something too, and that is how I am supposed to write, not as I, Anna, but rather on behalf of this POWER that I have the potential to distribute and channel to other people. I would like to write about this POWER, the power responsible for balance, for homeostasis of our bodies, our intellect, and emotional well-being. Well, I am not sure if I can say that IT is responsible for the balance of our existence, the most correct way of saying it, would be that this is a SOURCE to which we all can connect to if we choose to. We are the ones responsible for the desire to establish this exceptional connection. It is up to us from what source we are going to get our energy supply. Hopefully humanity will choose the one which enlivens and enriches our lives. We all have the power and the choice to choose. And from what I have experienced so far, some of us are given the possibility of undergoing a profound transformation to always have access to the power govern by equilibrium. The question is if you will accept the invitation.