Connection – My Favorite

I mention a lot in my posts about the processes of transmutation and harmonizing. These are general terms and anyone can interpret them in whatever way they want. Words are contractual and can have many different meanings depending on a person and their experiences.

So, what is it that we are actually harmonizing and transforming here? What is the purpose of realizing our unconscious patterns and healing them? What is the end result of our awakening.

The simple answer is : connection.

I recently was talking to a friend and during our conversation it dawned on me that in good measure I used to watch movies in order to be a witness of a healthy family dynamic or to even, through the screen, observe a pretty happy human interaction. I was lovingly looking at the connections between the characters no matter what relationship they had, since positive aspects appeared more often there than in real life. On screen, either a beautiful connection and collaboration was present in the beginning, and got interrupted because of some unfortunate incident, yet always there was a definite reconnection; forgiveness or strengthening of a bond. Or if the characters disliked each other initially, later through intricate circumstances, the understanding came with reconciliation. This kind of dynamic of surviving conflicts and challenges and coming out of them more connected, I favored the most.

Before the pandemic, on occasions when I facilitated group alignments, the part when the gathering of people reached the place of universal connection, I came to a realization that it was the very same moment I had an appreciation for in films. It is the phenomenon when the ego is taken out of the way, and we can experience deeper connection, see more vividly in another and in ourselves aspects that bring us closer, honor and enjoy each other in a new, refreshed light.

I strongly believe that life is about establishing such kinds of bonds. Life is about connecting in kindness, cooperating together and supporting one another. Additionally, what is also significant is the quality of our intention before we try to connect.

Divine connection to yourself and with others is the goal here.

When the divinity is absent, there is no end to the stories when ego turns into a frenzy.

Another point that we touched upon in the same conversation with my friend regarded narcissistic patterns and behaviors. Both of us dealt with abuse and had relationships with individuals who suffered from this disorder. If I hadn’t experienced abuse on my own skin, I wouldn’t know now how harsh and challenging liberation from such enslavement really is.

If we ever want to create a healthy life, we have no other way but to confront our weaknesses or aggressive patterns. Only through healing we can rediscover our humanity so we could live together in harmony more often if not all the time.

I have dedicated years to my own healing so the moments I would create would be of quality. If not for others, then at least for me. I did it by looking constantly within, so my suffering, or the suffering of others wouldn’t reign my existence. However, now that I have reached that good place of emotional freedom, I realize that the time has come for me to share what I have gone through and learned. When I was “fighting” to discover my divine self, it seemed that no one else had the slightest idea of what I was going through. We all know suffering, yet for many reasons we want to stay away from it, because we don’t realize the power it bestows upon us.

Individually and collectively, we are engaged in the process of abandoning the victim – perpetrator relationship, this time not by walking away from it, but by mustering more power to stand up to it, to be wiser and stronger than manipulation born from suffering itself.

It is a sad reality that we have to stand in the spiritual ring with our loved ones, our family members who supposed to be so close to us, yet during the awakening they are not. What temporarily separates us are unhealed mental and emotional constructs. Despite this painful disconnection, the real hope of mending the broken bonds, lies in miracles available in healing and transformation. It does not matter how long we have suffered and who has hurt us. If you decide to engage in our own healing, life is going to make up for all those painful relationships we experienced before the awakening.

Peace Is The New Morphine

Emotions is a topic that people rarely want to discuss for multiple reasons. Because of the new energy that is coming to Earth, whether we want it or not, we are getting more acquainted with our emotional body even though this part of ours was suppressed for thousands of years. Despite a huge initial discomfort associated with feeling, investigating and diving into the field of our emotions, brings incredible benefits when done correctly.

I have heard many unpleasant opinions regarding emotional sensitivity. All of them, however, were coming from a place of fear, only because those individuals never knew how to handle their own strongly charged outbursts. I don’t blame them. After all, we are just beginning to learn how to feel and transmute painful energetic patterns roaming throughout our bodies.

Our thoughts and emotions can be considered as a medium of information which we initially deem as unnecessary because we have no idea how to decipher what our body and mind is trying to communicate. By exploring and learning this vast emotional territory for years, each day convinced me more that emotional intelligence does exist and it actually influences the entirety of our existence by projecting itself externally from within.

So far emotions have been like wild untamed horses. Only with proper training and whispering could we enjoy riding them. Otherwise, it is a dangerous endeavor.

If unattended emotions are different colors of paint; crisscrossing, and zigzagging randomly and freely as they want to on a designated surface, normally creating an undesirable chaos, then underneath the splatter, is the canvas of peace which we never get to feel because of the unresolved and unaddressed traumatic emotional patterns running the show. Being grounded in the sensation of inner peace is essential for maintaining our overall health.

Whenever I would explain it to people in the past, maybe I was not good enough at advertising the importance of achieving peace, so I hope that the situation I am describing below will give you an insight of what peace feels like when it is present in the body.

It is not easy to separate my work from my private life. Doing that would be like disconnecting an arm from the rest of my body at certain times, especially if my extra sensitivity is always alert, in full detection mode. Saying that, that doesn’t mean I go around and tell people what I feel. With time I learned to keep the energetic information to myself unless I am guided to do otherwise.

Here is an example of how spontaneously gratifying and healing peace is when one spends so much time drowning in distress.


I get to a birthday party around 1:30 in the morning. At the location, at first, the guests followed a regular celebratory routine till 3:00 am, until some folks began to leave, some went to sleep and there were a few of us left. Since alcohol lowers inhibitions, people pour their hearts out, and speak freely about their true feelings. (I don’t drink or need alcohol to express myself.) It is not my custom to stay up that late and put my extrasensory abilities to the test, however, as soon as I started producing excuses, something took over, and barely realizing it, I was tapping into my friend’s energy field who sincerely insisted on helping him.

This man was eagerly looking for upliftment and I couldn’t deny him that. Ditching excuses out, I made the exception and I found myself working at 4:00 in the morning. At that curious time, after being up for countless hours, the brain is perfectly tired and therefore the ego’s defense mechanisms are weakened, so I could quickly and effectively connect him to this delightful state of enlightenment.

During our conversation my friend approached me with frankness, and openly admitted to his fears. He told me how they ran him down to the ground every day; causing him great exhaustion, leaving little time for satisfaction and no energetic resources for any improvements.

His openness and trust gave me permission to step in and show that transformation was easily and immediately possible. I was guided as per usual to ask a few questions and within seconds we were both rapidly immersed in a state of peaceful ecstasy. Peace descended upon us, pushing his anxieties aside. His incessant and loud thoughts stopped; and from his lips I heard a new addition to my creative descriptions:” this is morphine.” Apparently, being in peace feels similar to being sedated by heavy medications – without any side effects of course. All the pains and worries of life dissolved and his “inner being felt as smooth as silk”, according to him.

That night was equally inspiring for both of us. It was another testimony and proof that transformation is possible and worth pursuing. It is incredible that human beings can have access to such a blissful state. We simply have to be willing to be consistent in our spiritual pursuits so the all producing balance could stay for good.

Without realizing it, each day we are given a free will to choose between transmitting a frequency of interference, and making additional steps towards a frequency of morphine – peace.

I hope that this story will get you curious and interested to stop for a few minutes a day and investigate not only your thoughts, but also your feelings. Whisper your wild horses.